Train your brain like a monk

Matthieu Ricard, a Buddhist monk, sometimes referred to as "the happiest people in the world." What's the secret?

"We're not always angry, always jealous, always generous," said Ricard. "It is possible to change because of all the emotions at a glance.'s Policy is to train the mind. Mind training on the idea that two opposite mental factors can not happen at the same time ... You can not be in the same rocking motion of the hand and give it a shot. .. There is an antidote to the emotional experience that destroy our prosperity. "

Ricard said that the transformation of the mind is the way to go, but it takes time (from my research and experience with neuroplastisitas, I agree this is true on both accounts). It speaks of the transformation of mind achieved through meditation on love and unconditional love.

"Some [monk] who came to the lab [...] do 20-40000 hour meditation. They real Olympic Champions mind training," he said, getting a laugh from the crowd.

When the monks tested for happiness using a test that measures brain activity to happiness (based on the pre-frontal cortex - the left side of the activity associated with happiness, and the right to depression), found that the monks four standard deviations from the norm that supports happiness, in other words , they are off-the-chart happy. (Source - Ricard's TED Talk)

Important lesson: If you want to multiply your happiness result from providing, ponder love and love (this is the underlying component of the grant). Theory appears to the monks at the opposite mental factors occur. They spend so much time thinking about the positive things, the negative and emergency push out of their mind, and they become very easy (and I add, peaceful). Another important lesson here is the power of repetition - the brain is a cable to form a habit, and there is no reason generally happy mindset can not habit


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